
Daniel Craig's alter ego James Bond is known for battling the bad guys and always coming out on top, but from recent promo photos from his new movie, it appears there is one battle he seems to be losing - the receding hairline battle! 

While there is no doubt saving the world and fighting the bad guys causes a good amount of stress, Craig's receding hairline is likely attributed to natural hair loss. Nearly half the men his age, 44, experience some degree of hair loss. From his photos, you can see he has early signs of recession in the temporal region, but all hope is not lost.

If he takes action now, he should be able to slow down or even stop further recession, while stimulating healthy hair growth. For more on Craig's receding hair line, check out the recent article in The Sun, where my colleague Dr. Asim Shahmalak gives his opinion on Craig's best course of treatment. 

Personally, I think "Q" should whip out the latest hair transplant gadget, NeoGraft FUE, for no-scalpel/no-stitch hair transplant harvesting that leaves no tell-tale linear donor scar.  Like "Diamonds..." transplanted hairlines "Are Forever."

A proactive approach to hair loss using medications or laser will allow his non-transplanted follicles to "Die Another Day," hopefully sometime in the very distant future.  With the right approach, Daniel may never go completely "Thunderbald!"


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